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  Custom Invitations
  Custom invitations make your event very inviting.

La Creature vas Manger ta ville...

Mange ta ville is a Montreal based show on CBC's ARTV. This invitation was made for an episode featuring the pop sensation Creature who recorded a rockin' show at O Patro Vys.

Watch the episode featuring Lucworks.

Creature Rock Invitation

Birthday in Boom- Town!

Calgary consulting company Eithier and Associates celebrated their 25th Anniversary with a look at where they began as a business and where they've arrived.

The founder is featured on the cover and the partners on the inside.

more ethier material.

Ethier Invitation

Inviting Change

This invitation was sent to the atendees of a conference in Ottawa, Canada where income tax-spliting was proposed as a way of subsidising the efforts of Canadian care-givers.

Income splitting invitation
© 2007 copyright Lucas Fehr