1. Describe what you want:
(or call Lucas at 514-264-5825 if you prefer to explain). Include size, layout, type of objects or drawings, text, etc.


2. Will be used for:

    business card
    annual report
    screen saver pattern (on this site)
    other ... describe:

3. Will it be similar in style to another illustration on this site?

    yes no

    If yes, what is the title and number?

4. Name:

5. Phone Number: (in order to confirm or clarify changes)

6. Send by:

    regular mail
    express mail

7. Send to me or directly to:


8. Complete mailing (or email) address:


9. I need it completed by (date):

10. Price:

Send me an estimate after receiving my request (Usually $125 per panel, before changes).

11. Please choose one of the following payment methods:


Paypal is secure and FREE for buyers. You can use your credit card or withdraw directly from your bank account. Once your order has been confirmed, Lucas will email you a PayPal invoice.

Mail a cheque or money order payable to:

Lucas Fehr 6 - 3610 rue de Rouen
Montréal, Québec
Canada H1W 1M3

(note: no orders will be confirmed until payment has been received.)